Since we have a couple days till the next basketball game and football isn't till the weekend I wanted to bring up something that doesn't get enough attention but it absolutely should.
UK Hockey--this stuff is fantastic. I cannot recommend it highly enough. Just an amazing experience. Let me set it up for you. Games are only on weekends. They start at midnight. Lets just say this leads to a raucous crowd in the first place. There is an undeniable home-field advantage for UK. There are amazing chants. People stand for the entire game. Its just an amazing fan experience. I brought up a few buddies the other weekend and guaranteed them a great time. The hockey game absolutely delivered--what else can do that. When's the last time you wanted somebody to do something, and guaranteed they would love it. I can only think of 2 other ways: forcing someone to watch "Christmas Vacation" for the first time or eating from PF Chang's. UK hockey is that good.
On a sidenote this weekend also lead to at least 2 stories that cannot be repeated here but are fantastic. Ill try to tell a very edited version of one that actually involved the game. Here goes--if you ever call a cab in Lexington you know there they are either going to show up either 57 minutes later or not at all. You have to plan your whole night around calling the cab on time since it will take so long (they will always say about 15 minutes--this is a lie, everybody knows it but just has to deal with it). Lets just say that, even though there is this problem with the cab companies, when the game gets out at 3 am its not a good idea to call 3 cab companies and have them compete to see who will pick you up. Even though its much more efficient that way. It did lead to me getting called about 8 times in a row. I finally stopped declining the call and it lead to a pretty animated hi-pitch conversation from one cabby. Another called later and screamed "IF I KNEW, YOUR WERE GOING TO CALL DIFFERENT CABS AND JUST GET IN THE FIRST ONE THAT SHOWED UP, I WOULDN'T HAVE EVEN COME!!"--Well then. Kinda glad we didn't tell him. See where else are you gonna get to experience stuff like that. You have to hit up UK Hockey.
You cannot help but get caught up in the game. By the end you will be high 5ing and going nuts with everyone even if you hate hockey. There are a few reasons for this:
First off, hockey is amazing to watch live. Its probably the biggest change from TV to real life there is.
Second--did I mention the games start at midnight on weekends, that takes a regular rowdy crowd up about 87 notches. Think of the buzz in the crowd for a big basketball game, then move that game to midnight on a weekend so every can make some "questionable" decisions before they get there. Lets just say its a fun fan experience where you have a 15% chance of not getting out alive. That always leads to an exciting time.
Third--the jerseys. They are fantastic. If anybody knows where I can get one please tell me. Use the comments section for that. In fact most of the reason for this post was a selfish way for me to ask some UK fans who might know (thats you! loyal readers) where I can get a UK hockey jersey.
Fourth--Do I have to mention the Ashley Judd UK Hockey poster. That ranks just behind the championships in 96 and 98 and just ahead of 3 bowl game wins as the best things to happen with any of the Cats teams in my lifetime. In fact that was another big reason for the article just so I could search for that and look at it before posing it above the article. And anything that made that happen (or the very underrated picture with Rebecca Gayheart) well then its a winner in my book.
Fifth--Its UK and another chance to root for a fun team.
As I've said I can absolutely guarantee you will love it, it will not disappoint. Take my advice, if you have the chance go to a UK Hockey game.
And that's the Reno stamp of approval.
Good stuff Reno, I've always heard they are a good time. I'll have to check it out next time in town.