Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cal is fair and balanced...

Gomez here. Say what you will, but Coach Cal seems to be pretty fair and balanced. A week after upsetting the conservative portion of Big Blue Nation by sending Obama a UK jersey, Cal visited the studios of Fox News and then posted a picture on Facebook. For those of you that do not see the connection, I'll explain it for you. It is widely known that Fox News has a right leaning, conservative slant to their news and views, and the left side of Big Blue Nation is letting him hear about it on Facebook. So far, it seems to all be in good fun though.

Say what you will, but Cal seems to be reaching out to everyone to promote UK basketball, regardless of what their political leanings might be.

Good for him.


  1. So.... the conservative blurry picture makes it on the site but the Obama 44 jersey doesn't. I know who isn't fair and balanced!!!

  2. We would have posted a picture of Obama's jersey but we were never sent one.

    We are fair and balanced!
