Hey everybody, first of all let me apologize for taking so long between posts. I had law school finals and then Christmas, and I'm also incredibly lazy so there's that. I'm here to make up for it by writing a rambling and possibly overly-long post, just for you! I'll also add in many annoying and confusing parentheticals because you've been good all year (both days of it). Call it a late Christmas present. My New Year's Resolution was to start editing myself and I'm gonna go ahead a break that today, (still lasted longer than last year's promise to exercise everyday) Also if you check your stocking Santa may have left some typos, misspellings, terrible grammar, and horrible punctuation.
Anyway I feel like I have to write something about the game today. It's apparently big, UK is playing some team near us, maybe you've heard of Louis-ville (just trying to upset anyone from Louie-ville) just for today everybody pronounce the "S", drives them crazy.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this is the biggest UK-Louisville showdown since Pitino's first game as a Cardinal (I'm just now getting over it, whenever I see him on their sideline I have to repeat to myself "He gave us 96, he gave us 96, he gave us 96" over and over so I don't have some sort of anger spasm. (Usually freaks my family and friends out and may be one of the 1,283,934 reasons why I don't have a girlfriend).
But think about the implications of this game (If you haven't already). Louisville has had much more recent success than us over the last few years. I mean last year we were in the NIT and Louisville was a number 1 seed in the tourney. (Thank you Tommy Izzo and Mich St. for taking them down, If the Cards had won a championship the same year that UK missed the tournament I'd just be coming down off my rage blackout. There would be History Channel episodes dedicated to my Crime Spree. By the way, I might take this game a little too seriously, I'm going to need to be tasered or sedated before the game.)
Now UK is riding the highest its been since around the mid 90s or the 70s. We are undefeated and have taken down some huge teams early, and are really just now coming into our own. Records are falling (watching Wall take over the single game assist record was a thing of beauty). Louisville on the other hand has struggled early. They have lost recruits and had a Jersey Shore-esq off season scandal with the Rick Pitino and Karen Sypher saga (http://deadspin.com/5226768/the-saga-of-karen-sypher-and-rick-pitino-appears-to-be-coming-to-a-sad-hatless-end)--This article doesn't have enough details, feel free to Google one that does, but it ended with a Hall and Oates video, so if you didn't know I would link to it, then we haven't been friends long enough.
(Pitino is praising the day the media found out about David Letterman and especially Tiger Woods). Honestly I love sex scandals. And the Louisville coach was apparently stepping out with a blond version of Snookie mixed with a little J-Woww (also known as the perfect woman). Its beautiful (I can't wait for the signs that CBS can't show). Pitino and Woods are the leading candidates for Celebrity Tool Academy which only happens in my fantasies because of the awesomeness it would bring.
We also have the Pitino-Calipari feud, which is amazing that I'm going to be on both sides of it in my lifetime. This is the part I'm the happiest about. If there was a game we could be overconfident for its this one. We are riding way high and have just barely escaped a bunch of possible tripping blocks . I know how much Cal wants this game though, so I bet he has the team fully prepared to avoid any overconfidence for the game.
We also have the hundreds of other things people will write about ad nauseum. I won't because I'm tired and people will hopefully put their favorite parts the the rivalry and showdown today in the comments section.
The Louisville fans are scared (much more so than they were for football). I haven't talked to one that's even confident it will be close (always scares me, I hate their reverse jinx so--Louisville have a good, tough, physical team and great coach, this is a big game and they will be ready for it, they started off struggling early but are playing well and rounding into form just in time for this game). But I'm going to eat with some friends that root for Louisville after the game and they have made it a rule that we cannot make jokes or possibly even talk about the game. I made the deal because its one of their birthdays (I'm still wearing UK warm-up pants, shirt, sweatshirt bogging and hat because I'm not a "good friend"). I may even bring the basketball signed by the 78 championship team I got for Christmas--because its crazy awesome.
Here's how excited I am, I had a dream about the pregame for this game. I am being totally honest. I was Darnell Dodson warming up shooting 3's and was winging them over the basket and careening off the backboard at 100 MPH because even in the dream I was too wired up and adrenalined (word I just made up but like) for the game and couldn't calm down. I woke up and spent the next 45 minutes in bed (you're welcome for that image ladies) dissecting the game and trying to calm myself by watching Con Air (surprisingly it worked, Nick Cage's terrible southern accent can sooth just about anyone's anxiety). Feel free to Youtube that, especially the brilliant dialogue about Barbecue (be careful of language). Honestly when's the last time you were so excited for something you had dreams about it and woke up so excited you couldn't wait for it to get here (Christmas when I was 12, Red Rider BBgun style).
Finally since I'm so ready for the game to get outta my dreams and get into the tipoff I leave you with this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GOYvtxb6QQ
Please put up a bunch of comments about the lack of good quality in this article, or how I only wrote it so I could talk about Jersey Shore and link to weird things, or how I desperately need to learn how to post links without having to put the full link, or hopefully your favorite games or most exciting parts of the rivalry and game today.
I too am excited about the game, sad that I am having to watch it with a tv screen between me and my favorite team, the Cards of course, since last year I was 10 rows from the action with only the senior citizen pep band standing between me and Clark, Williams, and Smith! Last years game was so intense and such a grand finale that I love, Sosa's 3 pointer that swished as every Card fan took a deep breath and then errupted with screaming inside of Freedom Hall. That was the last time the Cards and Cats would face each other in this historic arena, and quite the way to go out! I am hoping we can win for a third year in a row, but I wont turn my head from the fact that UK is highly favored with an undefeated record, a freshman star that chose his number b/c it matched his last name (Wall:11)--lame I know, and a coach that will go to any extreme to get a W! I am expecting lots of fouls and dirty play as well as shameful chants haunting Pitino of his sin. I also am looking forward to some beautiful dunks and blocks by our forwards Jennings and Samuels and some 3's by Sosa and Smith! I know the game will be much closer than all are expecting, which makes the game that much more exciting. Thanks Reno for your ridiculous parentheticals and good luck at your dinner tonight, maybe you should be a better friend to the Louisville fans, especially the one who is celebrating their birthday and not wear all the team garb. Thanks for the Christmas present and stocking stuffers!
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