:: Patrick Patterson's resurgence couldn't have come at a better time because Kentucky's outside shot has gone icy cold. When the shots aren't falling outside, and the driving lanes are closed, its nice to have someone besides DeMarcus to pick up the slack.
:: All this talk about the mass exodus from Lexington to the NBA might actually be a bit premature. Cal said that he expects Cousins to be back for another season, and that Wall has hinted about wanting to stay too. Of course, we don't recommend you holding your breath on this, but still, it could happen.
:: Cal said that winning the SEC means nothing. ESPN put up a little spot about it, because I guess the World Wide Leader thought it was odd for a coach to say something so bluntly. However, Cal's at Kentucky now, not Mississippi State or Georgia, and in Kentucky, national championships are all that matters. Clearly, Cal knows this and wasn't afraid to say it. I'm not really sure why ESPN thought it was headline material anyway.
:: If Kentucky wins tomorrow, they'll clinch their first SEC title since 2005. That's quite a draught for a Kentucky program that has dominated the SEC since its inception. While Cal is probably right that it doesn't mean a whole lot outside of helping Kentucky to a #1 seed, I'm still glad Kentucky is back to putting the beat down on the SEC instead of it being the other way around. How about you?
:: It's an early game tomorrow, so we'll be here all day to talk about it before, during, and after the game, staring early in the morning. So, join us for all the Big Blue fun.
We are in the business of National Championships, not SEC Championships. Sure, the SEC Title is great, but like Cal said, the SEC sets the table for the #1 seed. The #1 seed gives a team the best road to the Final Four and the National Championship.