Monday, March 8, 2010

John Calipari. Books by Twitter

John Calipari has resorted to using social media to help break writers block. Guess you don't have time to do such things when you are trying to get ready for March Madness, or doing whatever it is Cal does all day (probably stuff that is important).
John Calipari I've got a favor 2 ask all of u: I hav been approached about writing another book by a mjr NY publisher. This 1 would focus on Year One in the Bluegrass. I'm tossing arnd ideas in my head of how the book would shape up. I think there's a lot of biz lessons 2 be learned about "rebuilding a brand" but also so many other ...lessons of building a team and uniting a (Big Blue) Nation. What would u like 2 see in such a book? Calipari 

First off, I think it is pretty cool that Calipari would include the Big Blue Nation in something like this. I think the first thing I would like to see in such a book would be Calipari talking about doing the John Wall Dance after we win #8. What do you think? What would you like to see in such a book? Talk about it in the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. Cal certainly doesn't seem like a guy that is bolting after one year at Kentucky.

    I hope he writes a book about year one and I hope it ends with a championship.
