For us here at BBNR, its a welcome return to the games that matter. During the off season, many of us which through changes. Some of us started new jobs, some had babies, and others went to find themselves during trips abroad. While all this was going down, you probably noticed that the frequency of posts on our site began to slow down. There was even more than once that we contemplated just closing it down, but after a lot of soul searching and discussion, we've decided to keep this going for the foreseeable future.
To be honest, we don't really know what that means. We need a few more writers, so if you're interested shoot me an email at mlee@wk.net. In the meantime, we're going to keep doing our best to share our thoughts and views on all things Kentucky sports.
And that begins today with the kick off to the new football season. Join us, won't you?