Friday, November 6, 2009

Thoughts from the road back to Paducah...

DISCLAIMER: First off, let it be known that I am throwing this down from the iphone as JLee drives, so bare with me if there are some issues...

Tonight was a night of firsts. It was John Wall's first taste of real game action, albeit in a game that didn't really count. Wall seems to have a sense for the moment that the great ones have. There is just something different about him that you can't quantify in text. He just has a swagger and comfort level that is unique for any collegiate player, much less a Freshman. I imagine that if LeBron James went to college, he would want to be like John Wall. And that Tebow wheres John Wall pajamas. Lil Wayne is going to end up coming to UK games to be around Wall's swag. I think Dicky V is the only person qualified to tell you about how good Wall is. Very exciting for the UK program. A UK media director had to ask John to stop answering questions as he was being interviewed. Cal spoke of his desire to make everybody happy at the press conference, and it shows on the court and even in being interviewed by no named blogger's such as myself.

Possibly upstaging Wall's arrival was Jeremy Lee and Austin Martin representing BBNR on the big stage for the first time. When we finally got accustomed to our new surroundings, we blended in with the ease of Perry Stevenson on Biggest Loser. I am sure we stuck out like Perry would trying to shed fifty pounds on reality TV (which would be riveting). It was hard to get too self conscience though with so many great things for a UK fan to appreciate going on around us.

All of the talk about UK having good kids on this team was proven accurate from the small glimpse I got. As I was leaving the arena, Daniel Orton held the door for me. I thought that was very gentlemanly of him, and judging his execution and range of motion opening that door, I don't think the injury is too serious.

We got to meet a lot of people in the UK media and they were nothing but class. I had no idea how to navigate the underbelly of Rupp Arena, and I got a lot of help in that department from other press types. It was great to get to be around some people that shared an interest in something that I am passionate about. I talked to Jason Kennedy from and you should check out his site. He says he likes to do things differently, and I can appreciate that sentiment. We are still evolving and finding our identity, but we hope to bring a unique and entertaining perspective. We wish him the best with his site as he tries to do the same.

I am going to let things sink in and provide a recap of my interviews and other post game thoughts soon. Be looking out for that! I just gotta say it was a great experience, and I look forward to getting another opportunity to do it again soon.