While me and Austin were discussing whether or not Terrence Jones' decision to become a Wildcat pushed Cal's second recruiting class past his first, this article was being published that suggested Kentucky's class wasn't even good enough to be ranked #1 this year, much less last year.
Of course, this was only Brian McLaughlin's opinion, but it still surprised me. I thought the recent additions of Vargas and Jones would push Kentucky well ahead of everyone else. Apparently, not everyone feels that way. However, with a class headlined by Kanter and Knight, and joined by the likes of Lamb and Jones, and rounded out with solid players like Poole and Vargas, I can't see how Memphis or Ohio State have any better classes coming in next season.
Now, I have to admit, I'm a little biased towards my home state, so maybe we should wait for some other sources to post their final rankings before we get too worked up. In the meantime, let us know what you think... where does Kentucky's class really rank?
This is the No. 1 class, no doubt. Haters will hate, but it won't change the fact that there is not a better class any where in the country.