Friday, November 6, 2009

Welcome to BBNR: Micah Pearson

Since we are striving to provide as much information, news, and views about UK basketball and football, as possible, we must also strive to continuously add the right people to our team to help us with such a daunting task. That's why we're so excited to officially welcome Micah Pearson to the team.

Micah is the creator and moderator of "Cal's Cats: Your Facebook UK News." This Facebook group has nearly 5,000 members (and growing), and Micah does a great job informing his readers of the latest UK tidbits. We look forward to joining the forces of BBNR and "Cal's Cats" so that we might continue to provide the very best UK news and views as possible!

Expect to hear from Micah soon. GO BIG BLUE!


  1. Glad to have you on the site Micah! I have enjoyed your posts on facebook and I hope that we can both reach a wider audience and bring better quality information now that you are aboard.

  2. Welcome Micah...I'll have my people call your people and they can do lunch or whatever people do?? Anyway welcome aboard...we look forward to only perfection.

  3. Welcome aboard Micah! Glad to have you.

  4. Glad to be here, I know many people have not jumped on the facebook bandwagon and I'm glad to get the reports out to the entire Big Blue Nation.
    Well actually we have more then 5,000 people in Cal's Cats :-) We capped over 5,000 this summer and you can not send out the reports past 5,000 so a second group was formed for the over flow. The second group is currently in the 800's.

  5. Cal's Cats is a great facebook group and it's even better than I catch up here too.
